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Install script as docker container

You can run the app as container.

Multi-platform images are available at

Currently available platforms:

  • linux/amd64 (64bit)
  • linux/arm64 (64bit)
  • linux/arm/v7 (32bit)

Preparation of the host

Install docker on Debian.

Optional - you may want to make sure current user is in docker group so it is possible to run containers without using sudo:

sudo usermod -a -G docker $(whoami)

logout and login again, or reboot Raspberry Pi.

Preparation of env files for docker command

Notice - you may not have to do it if you use docker-compose (I think...).

If you use docker command directly you need to edit env files and remove quotation marks from the files (this is a limitation of the Docker)

For example:

CAMERA_COMMAND_EXTRA_PARAMS="--immediate --nopreview --thumb none -o"


CAMERA_COMMAND_EXTRA_PARAMS=--immediate --nopreview --thumb none -o

Raspberry Pi CSI or USB camera

We assume that .csi is a env file with example variables after edit, it is possible to run below command and have screenshots sent to the Prusa Connect.

docker run --env-file .csi -v /run/udev:/run/udev:ro -v /dev/:/dev/ --device /dev:/dev --read-only

Raspberry Pi and remote cams

If you use remote camera you can make command even shorter:

docker run --env-file .esp32 --read-only

Other examples

docker run --env-file .docker-csi --device /dev:/dev -v /dev/:/dev/ -v /run/udev:/run/udev:ro -it

docker run --env-file .docker-esphome-snapshot --read-only
docker run --env-file .docker-video0 --device /dev:/dev -v /dev/:/dev/ -v /run/udev:/run/udev:ro -it

Running multiple cameras at once

Create env file per camera and run each container separately.


Instead of running single command per container, you can manage them using docker-compose. Example docker-compose.yaml contains some examples. Some sections are commented out, though.

Notice they still require proper env files to work, for example copy usb.dist as .usb, edit its parameters and run docker-compose up

Notice that you may need to change remote cameras addresses from hostnames to IP addresses.

Another notice that sharing /dev/ or /dev/shm across different containers with different architectures may be problematic.

Last update: 2024-05-08 08:38:11 +0200 (UTC)