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Web Cam - MJPG stream

This processing requires ffmpeg package.

Most standalone webcams are actually mjpg cams, they send infinite motion jpeg stream over specific URL.

The best option to check what is the URL is in the camera manual, or if you open web UI of the camera and see the stream image then right click on the image and select Inspect to see the URL for the image - copy that URL.

You should be able to test the stream locally with ffplay command.

For example, if your camera is reachable over address and port 8000 under endpoint /ipcam/mjpeg.cgi then below command should show the stream:


There may be some user and password in the URL.

If that works, then configuration should be pretty straightforward:

  • copy ffmpeg-mjpg-stream.dist as .env
  • in copied file .env replace token-change-me with the value of the token you copied
  • in copied file .env replace fingerprint-change-me with some random value, which is alphanumeric and has at least 16 chars (and max of 40 chars), for example set it to fingerprint-myprinter4-camera-4
  • in copied file .env replace your RTSP device address raspberry-pi, port and stream id in CAMERA_COMMAND_EXTRA_PARAMS if needed
  • save edited file .env

Next, test config.

Unverified example

Beagle Camera stream - if I remember correctly, then camera url to the stream is something like

Replace with your address in the example below.

CAMERA_COMMAND_EXTRA_PARAMS="-y -i '' -vframes 1 -q:v 1 -f image2 -update 1 "

But it is better to use a snapshot instead of stream if available, see here.

Last update: 2024-05-08 08:38:11 +0200 (UTC)