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ESPHome camera snapshot


With esphome camera with snapshot we can use the ultimate power of curl command to fetch the image from the camera.

Prepare esphome device

Configure esphome device:

  • install esphome camera on the device and add esp32_camera and esp32_camera_web_server with snapshot modules:
... (skipped due to the fact there are different modules)

  - port: 8081
    mode: snapshot

Flash the device and wait until it boots and is available.

Create config for script

  • copy esphome-snapshot.dist as .env
  • in copied file .env replace token-change-me with the value of the token you copied
  • in copied file .env replace fingerprint-change-me with some random value, which is alphanumeric and has at least 16 chars (and max of 40 chars), for example set it to fingerprint-myprinter3-camera-3
  • in copied file .env replace your esphome device address and port in CAMERA_COMMAND_EXTRA_PARAMS
  • save edited file .env

Next, test config.

Real world example

I have esp32-wrover-dev board with camera + esphome + web ui for camera exposing snapshot frame on port 8081.

We can use curl to fetch it.

CAMERA_COMMAND_EXTRA_PARAMS=http://esp32-wrover-0461c8.local:8081/ -o